Broadly speaking, e-learning is the use of digital technology to facilitate learning.
This could include Internet servers and web browsers to deliver course material
online in an asynchronous way. It could include the use of embedded videos in an
application that a user can review at his or her leisure in bite-sized chunks.
And most recent important trend, gamification of learning .The reasons that gamification works in e-learning are varied and are supported by both traditional pedagogy and neurobiology.With advancement new technologies like SCRUM, we people are constantly looking for opportunity to make education gamified!
Virtual reality gaming is where a person can experience being in a three-dimensional environment and interact with that environment during a game. This is an essential part of the game.Explore a world of gaming like never before, and discover a universe of possibilities. With VR technology, you can bridge the gap between gaming and reality.
The latest cutting-edge, immersive technology, created (or re-created) environments that make you feel like you really are somewhere else. Offering 360° vision and sounds, with the ability to interact with what you can see, your movement effects what you can see. Step into virtual reality on PC, console or mobile to see and experience gaming like never before. Using Unity3D and Unreal game engine with dedicated SDK , we have been able to a firm grip on latest hardware for VR like Oculus Rift,HTC Vive,Samsung GearVR,PlayStation VR and Google CardBoard.
What is augmented reality? Like virtual reality, AR is a technology that's been around for years in some form or another but it's only recently taken off. Thanks to powerful smartphone hardware and software, AR can be taken out of your pocket and used in the blink of an eye after downloading an app.It sounds a lot like VR, which can also be used with a mobile device, but the two are very different experiences and technologies. VR requires immersion in a virtual environment without sensory knowledge of the world around you. AR instead overlays virtual 3D objects over the real world to create a sense that they're in front of you, requiring you to be aware of your surroundings. To make it even more confusing, there are also several ways AR can be produced. Marker based implementation uses QR/2D codes that can be read by mobile devices and markerless AR (or location based AR/position based AR) which uses GPS. There also mobile apps with software that can 'read' images to show you AR. Thanks to Unity3D and Vuforia SDk to make it happen. Using Unity3D and collaborated SDKs, we made sure to raise our hands on expertise on Microsoft HoloLens,Google Glass,MagicLeap,CastAR and 3rd party Plugin like Vuforia etc.