Starting from old days J2ME,Symbian based games to present day using latest technology like Cocos,Unity3D etc, we are associated with many blockbuster title like "Journey To The Center Of The Earth","Playboy PinBall" ,"Street Marble" etc covering all major platforms iOS,Android,Windows Phone and still counting.
Using technology like MEDIA HIGHWAY DEVELOPMENT KIT, NDS(now acquired by CISCO), we developed dozens of games during our professional tenure for companies like TaTa-Sky,Airtel on behalf of and Walt Disney India Games respectively.
In this domain we cover FaceBook based games to online games playable in any platform with browsers supporting HTML5,WEBGL. Important client to name Johnson n Johnson.
Despite the presence of mobile phones, tablets, and several other gadgets that deliver a great gaming experience, nothing can ever beat the ultimate experience of desktop games. Being expert using top game engines like Unreal,Unity3d and the team we've, looking for AAA standard quality project to deliver for all platforms including Windows,Mac,Linux etc.